According to a recent Mediavision analysis of the Swedish market for daily press, consumer behaviour has changed radically in the past year. 540 000 households now subscribe to a digital daily newspaper, which is 160 000 – or 40% – more than 12 months ago. This is good news for an industry that has been struggling for years. But there are also challenges, as many of the subscribers are free trials and pay very little or even nothing.

The digitalization of the Swedish newspaper market has come a long way. Free trials and discounts have been a driving force, which has grown stronger as many media houses lifted the pay wall during the Corona pandemic in the second quarter. Looking at the past 12-months, households that hold a digital daily new subscription, e.g. access to only the digital edition, has increased by 40%. As a result, more than half a million Swedish households now have access to a digital daily newspaper. Digital tabloid subscriptions also increased compared to Q2 in 2019, but not as much.

Mediavision also notes that a large and growing share of subscriptions are free trials. In Q2 2020, every fifth subscription was free, which is more than in Q2 2019. It is also higher than other digital subscription services such as music- or video streaming services.
In addition, Mediavision’s study also shows an increasing risk of churn. This applies especially to free trial consumers. Strategies to convert these subscribers to paying customers is of utmost importance to the media houses.

– Retaining and building a stable customer base is crucial to the newspaper industry, in the same way as for other streaming and music services. Free trials and other promotions appeal to a lot of potential customers, but the key is to transform non-paying subscribers into paying, comments Marie Nilsson, CEO of Mediavision. A path to attaining this may be by bundling digital newspapers with other products or services – for example broadband or movie-tickets.

About Mediavision

Mediavision is an independent analysis and consultancy firm, focused on analysis and strategy within traditional and digital media. 3,000 respondents between the ages 15 to 74 are surveyed each month in Sweden.

For more information, please contact:
Marie Nilsson
Tel: 08-52 80 90 90 / +46 (0) 70 749 59 67

At market close today, Netflix will report its global Q1 earnings. Global paid subscribers – referred to as global streaming paid memberships by the company – will be one area of interest for investors. Based on the ongoing Mediavision consumer analysis, the Netflix Q1 subscriber figures for the Nordic¹ market show a year-on-year growth of 5%. This corresponds to approximately 200 000 new subscribing households since Q1 of last year. According to Mediavision analysis, Netflix now has approximately 4,4 million subscribing households in the Nordics. Hence, the company’s growth is lower than the overall Nordic SVOD market growth (+8% year-on-year). The Nordic countries are all highly digitalized, partly driven by actors such as Netflix. The SVOD penetration as a Nordic average is approximately 60% in Q1. Mediavision analysis points at new actors taking market shares and that Netflix, albeit still the single largest SVOD service, is no longer the front runner in terms of growth.

¹ Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Iceland excluded.