On Tuesday, Disney disclosed the launch date for Disney+ in the Nordics. The debut will be September 15th and Mediavision can reveal that the interest for the service is already strong. Close to 1.5 million Nordic households claim they have plans to sign up. If they follow through on their plans, it would immediately make Disney one of the largest SVOD services in the Nordic region.

In November 2019, Disney+ launched in the US and instantly attracted 10 million subscribers. Distribution of Disney+ in the US includes a bundling with ESPN and Hulu, which likely has boosted the penetration.

The service comprises a strong line-up of Disney content and a substantial catalogue of favourite brands and characters. Original content is a cornerstone of this new venture; original content spend is expected to reach USD 1 billion in 2020, increasing to USD 2.5 billion by 2024. In April, the service added more markets (including UK, France, Germany, and India) and by May the subscriber count was close to 55 million, according to Disney. The company projection is to reach 60-90 million subs’ worldwide by 2024.

Mediavision can reveal that consumer interest for the service here in the Nordics is substantial. Amost 1.5 million households said that they were interested in signing up for the service already in Q1 2020. The interest is particularly pronounced in households with kids – no surprise – and among those that already have SVOD. The conclusion? An even stronger competition is to be expected as the fall rolls in – both over new and stacking SVOD households. Another interesting fact from our Q1 analysis, is that the Norwegians are the most eager Disney fans – here the stacking factor is already the highest. So far, no deals with operators (B-SVOD) have been communicated in the Nordics.

If Mediavision’s pre-launch analysis of Q1 holds true, and assuming that other actors retain their subscriber base, Disney+ would become one of the top services in the Nordics. Price per month for Disney+ is set slightly below other services available in the market – closer to Apple TV+’s lower price point of EUR 4.99. The service will be available for in EUR 7.88 Finland, NOK 69 in Norway, SEK 69 in Sweden, and DKK 59 in Denmark.

The media market has been affected by the pandemic in various ways. Increasing news consumption is one factor, another is consumers’ change of primary news source. Mediavision’s Q2 analysis takes a closer look at this phenomenon.

The appetite for news among Swedish consumers surged early in the second quarter, spurred by the pandemic, and remained high throughout the quarter. A third of all Swedes 15-74 years old testifies that both frequency and overall news consumption was higher during the pandemic than before.

The single most popular news services are Aftonbladet (newspaper, website and/or app) and SVT (TV channel, website and/or app), which is also reflected in daily reach. This relation between reach and preferences may also speak to the strength or high credibility of SVT and Aftonbladet.

Mediavision’s Q2 figures also reveal that more than 25% of the total population have in fact changed their primary source of news following Covid-19. Consumers are seemingly turning towards more trustworthy sources in times of need. Among those that have changed their primary source of news, public service has attained the largest increase while social media has weakened its position as news source. Specifically, fewer consumers see Facebook as a primary source of news now vs pre corona. Instead, Swedish public service actor Sveriges Radio see a great influx in consumer preference when it comes to its standing as primary news source.


Industry News

Amazon Music Launches Livestreaming

In a partnership with Amazon-owned Twitch, Amazon has incorporated a livestreaming functionality into the Amazon Music application on IOS and Android – beating Spotify, which reportedly has planned to incorporate livestreaming features for some time now.

Netflix Tries Free Sampling

Netflix is offering the possibility to view episodes of titles including Stranger Things and When They See Us without the need to sign up, as part of a new marketing promotion. The available shows and movies will be the same globally, only accessible via the internet.

Norwegian Newspapers Gained Subscribers

Several Norwegian newspapers experienced an increase in digital subscribers during the pandemic. Seemingly, the appetite for news is still high – as subscription figures remain at higher levels compared YOY for actors including Amedia, Schibsted and Polaris Media.

TV 2 DK Presents Better than Expected Report

Last Friday, TV 2 Denmark presented its first biannual report for 2020. The impact of Covid-19 on advertising sales was lower than expected. EBIT amounted to 221 million DKK in the first half of 2020, compared to 163 million in 2019.

The VMA's Attracted 6.4 million Viewers

This year’s edition of the VMA’s drew an audience of 6.4 million, slightly lower compared to last year’s 6.8 million. However, the show got a lot of attention on social media – being the second most-socialed show of 2020.

Tenet Surpasses $53 Million Internationally

Being the first major Hollywood-premiere to hit the screens following the Covid-19 pandemic, Christopher Nolan’s Tenet grossed plus 53 million USD following its debut on 41 international markets, including the Nordics.

Swedish Media Investments Dropped 18%

According to the latest figures from IRM, media investments in Sweden dropped by 18% YOY in Q2, to 8,5 billion SEK. Declines of this magnitude is unprecedented in IRM’s previous measurements.

Therese Johaug Signs with NENT-company

This week, Norwegian athlete Therese Johaug launched her new YouTube-channel in collaboration with Splay One, a NENT Group company, and Active Brands running the Johaug brand.

Readly Prepares for Stock Exchange Listing

Digital magazine subscription service Readly is preparing to be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The listing is intended to take place at the end of September. During the first 6 months of 2020, Readly’s revenues has increased by 32%.

Mediavision in the News

Swedish online video hits new highs in Q2

The number of people that view streamed content on an average day in Sweden has never been higher and has a reached a point, says research firm Mediavision, where the country can be categorised as having entered a completely digital TV-market.

Sverige strömmar tv som aldrig förr

Coronautbrottet har fått svenskarna att titta på strömmad tv mer än någonsin tidigare. Under årets andra kvartal strömmade 66 procent av landets 15–74-åringar tv varje dag, visar nya siffror från analysföretaget Mediavision.

Sverige strömmar tv som aldrig förr

Coronautbrottet har fått svenskarna att titta på strömmad tv mer än någonsin tidigare. Under årets andra kvartal strömmade 66 procent av landets 15–74-åringar tv varje dag, visar nya siffror från analysföretaget Mediavision.

Swedish video streaming reaches new record

The streaming of online video sites in Sweden rose to a new record in the second quarter. Stockholm-based consultancy Mediavision says that during the quarter almost 70% of all 15-74-year-olds consumed streamed video content daily.

Sweden sets record for streaming in ‘completely digital TV market’

According to Mediavision, the number of people watching video streaming services in the country was at an all-time high with 66% of all people in the country aged 15-74 consuming streaming content daily.

Sweden sees new streaming records

Streaming in Sweden rose to new record levels in the second quarter. Daily reach, i.e. the number of people that view streamed content an average day, has never been higher, reports Mediavision.