Over the last decade, Nordic TV viewers have increasingly moved away from traditional TV. Briefly summarising these last ten years, Denmark seems to have come the furthest in this digital transformation.
Declining traditional TV viewing is a persistent and long-term trend in the Nordics. Although the pandemic has somewhat slowed down the pace, there is no doubt that the decline continues. In Denmark, Q3 2020 does not deviate from the trend. Denmark is the only Nordic country where traditional viewing continuous to decrease across the board (i.e. age groups). The year-on-year decline in daily viewing minutes amounts to -7%. For the other Nordic countries, the YOY change range between -2% and +3%.
Another sign of the strong Danish transformation is that a relatively larger share of households now has replaced traditional pay TV with SVOD. The other Nordic countries are a little behind. One contributing factor to this may be the earlier dispute between pay TV operator Yousee and Discovery, which negatively affected the penetration of traditional pay TV. This seems to have spurred the appetite for streaming and pushed transformation forward.
In Mediavisions Fall 2020 analysis, we conclude that 20% of the Danish households today are SVOD-only; i.e. only subscribing to SVOD without paying for any traditional pay channel. The average for the other Nordic countries is significantly lower. Likely, this is also accelerated by numerous operator initiatives – so called buy-through SVOD (BSVOD). The largest telco TDC – with brands such as Yousee and Telmore – was actually one of the first Nordic operator to offer Netflix as part of its bundling. And speaking of Netflix, Denmark is also the Nordic country where Netflix grew most in terms of new subscribers YOY (Q3 20 vs Q3 19), +20%, and thereby pulling ahead of Norway. Last but not least, Danish churn intentions are lower in multi-SVOD households compared to the other Nordic countries. Why? Mediavision analysis points at a strong presence of operator packages, building a relatively higher stacking factor (i.e. households with +1 subscription).
Swedish 15–74-year-olds spend more and more time listening to streamed audio. Mediavision analysis reveal that younger listeners are driving the development, while the older population prefers traditional radio to digital alternatives. Of course, this has substantial effects for the actors within audio.
In Sweden, 15–74-year-olds spend 99 minutes consuming audio-based media an average day. Approximately half, 50 minutes, is allocated to digital audio like streamed music, podcasts and audiobooks. Nevertheless, live radio remains the single most popular form of audio, mainly driven by the age group 65-74. Within this group, as much as 80% of the total listening is allocated to live radio. Among the 15–24-year-olds, the opposite is true – barely a 20% share of listening is spent on live radio. How much time we spend consuming audio in total is also related to our age. The youngest and oldest (15-24-year-olds and 65-74-year-olds as per Mediavision definition) have the highest total consumption in average minutes per day.
Listening to audiobooks and podcasts is less age-correlated than music and radio. Audiobooks represent approx. 8% share of listening – slightly higher among the younger and lower among the older. Podcasts attract the highest number of listeners among 15–44-year-olds and in some segments, the podcast share of listening is on par with live radio. But it is also a fact that podcasts have not yet drawn a large listening in the older segments (among 65–74-year-olds, only a 2% share of listening).
Differences in audio consumption between age groups is not new. Nevertheless, the on-going digitalization brings forward challenges for the industry. Traditional radio meets an increasing competition over the listener’s time. Audio streaming actors, on the other hand, face fierce competition over subscribers. Mediavision expects this development to intensify even further with local actors likely facing an increasing battle over both listener and revenues.
Industry News
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Mediavision in the News
Close to 70% of Swedish Watch Online Video on a Daily Basis
2020 turned out to be a year of new records for the streaming services in Sweden. More people than ever are paying for video streaming services, while viewing reaches new top levels.
Nordic region SVoD penetration lingers at 33% among viewers over 60 in autumn 2020
Swedish consultancy Mediavision said there is still room for the SVoD market in Scandinavia to expand, as only 33 percent of the over-60 age group was paying for a video service in autumn 2020.
Disney höjer priset – jagar Netflix
Från 0 till 95 miljoner kunder på drygt ett år. Nu ska Disney plus på allvar jaga Netflix i Sverige. Samtidigt lurar nya konkurrenter i bakgrunden.
Fler överger tryckta medier än digitala
Benägenheten att säga upp sitt abonnemang var högre för tryckta medier än för digitala under det fjärde kvartalet i fjol, enligt analysföretaget Mediavisions medieanalys för perioden. Det är tvärt emot hur det brukar se ut.
Tidningarna möter en helt annan konkurrens
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Netflix meets its match in Nordic minnow Nent
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Streaming records for Sweden
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Swedish streaming market records 2020 record
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Swedish VoD penetration reaches 70% in Q4, up 10 percentage points year on year
Use of streaming services in Sweden increased substantially in 2020, despite a slowdown in growth in the first quarter, according to consultancy Mediavision.
Netflix nådde en ny milstolpe med 200 miljoner abonnenter
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Rejäl tillväxt på den svenska streaming-marknaden under pandemiåret
Streamingtjänsterna för video växte rejält i Sverige i fjol – både i betalande kunder och antalet tittare. Det visar Mediavisions analys av 2020.
Nordic monthly media spending reaches EUR 70 in autumn, little changed from before pandemic hit
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